Looking for Grace Notes

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween

It’s strange to spend a Halloween not running a haunted house. I miss the excitement and the smell of a fogger in the crisp fall air. It’s no big deal of course, we’d already decided not to host the haunt again till next year but I do miss it. We did get the Halloween snow-globe Lesley and Joe gave us set up on the lawn along with some other odds and ends. It’s fairly lame compared to our normal show, but I’m just thankful we have something out. It makes me feel a bit more normal somehow to do something that has nothing to do with medical and everything to do with celebration. What a strange thing that I could say the words normal and Halloween in the same paragraph.

We’re settled in front of the television watching Most Haunted and waiting for trick-or-treaters to come. This has been a bit of a rough day. Tom had been having small blackouts and dizziness throughout the day. I called his doctor at Valley Medical but he wasn’t terribly helpful. He offered we could come back into emergency but when I asked what they could do for him they said monitor. Well, I know what that means. They’ll put him on an IV and we’ll be there all night with no more answers than we started with. I don’t mean to sound bitter, but it’s so hard not having any answers. I know Tom is frightened by the whole experience and there’s really no way for me to reassure him as I’m just as afraid. Afraid and terribly exhausted.

I was able to line up a medical alert system which will arrive Friday. That will be a huge relief. They said we can program it with up to five phone numbers so if Tom presses the button an operator will immediately be available to talk to him and at the same time another operator will start contacting everyone on his call list.

I drove Tom in to have his picture taken with the students for the year book this morning. He was so depressed this morning I was nearly out of my mind trying to think of something to cheer him up. Finally, I remembered I have the most flamboyant fairy costume complete with giant wings in the closet. So, I zipped myself in and flounced about the room making an utter fool of myself but it bought a smile to his face which made it all worthwhile. So, we got him dressed in his suit and I stayed fairyish and we headed in. The picture happily was a quick affair and I was able to get him home. Amazingly, I was not only able to drive with the wings but they were actually remarkably comfortable. Who would have thought?

Kris came tonight to work on my back. I’ve been having spasms because I just haven’t been able to relax. I told Tom today was the last out of house trip I’m making. I need to stay home from here on out, finishing lining up transportation and other odds and end and just focus on getting my back in order.

I’ve asked for one more extension for my internship. I’ve asked to start Friday and hopefully that will be okay. I’m just having a hard time keeping myself focused and getting through my to-do list. Tomorrow I’m going to focus on his disability paperwork and try to line up Metro. This whole situation is just overwhelming. I wish someone had written a book about how to cope with unknown medical situations. Still, I’m trying to get through things one step at a time and without having to make any trips to the school tomorrow I should get a fair amount done and get some rest. Mostly I just keep telling myself that in ten years I won’t have these fears, I won’t be wondering what will happen tomorrow because it will have already happened, and Tom and I will be fine.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Good Morning

It’s so wonderful to be home! We were both actually able to sleep through the night which was lovely. Alex has been thrilled to have Tom home, although he tried to bite him when Tom got tired of having a twenty pound cat sleep on his chest. Alex can’t seem to decide if he wants to stay in a snit or just be lovable. When Tom took a shower this morning, Alex actually sat vigil with me in the bathroom. Alex hates the shower slightly more than he hates vets and paramedics so this has been interesting. And he proceeded to howl the entire time until Tom got out. I think Alex is having a harder time coping with the situation than I am.

The soonest the neurologist can see Tom is next Friday which is a bit frustrating but the receptionist said they are so booked up we were lucky to get in so soon. Tom will be off his Adderall meds this entire time so that should help us know if the seizures were caused by the meds not something else. I’m still holding out for news that he doesn’t have epilepsy. If he does we’ll get through, but it sounds so scary I just don’t want to imagine that for him.

Tom is still a bit frightened by the whole experience and hasn’t stopped talking about going back to school since we woke up. He’s not very good at being an invalid. I will try to get permission from the principals to drive him in for one class per school just so he can see the students and feel like he isn’t isolated from the world. Tom really wants the concert to go through and is grateful for everyone helping the bands. He is cleared to return to work next Monday and is hell bent he’ll be at the concert as is normal stressed out self. I have full faith in him that this will be the case.

In the mean time my job today is to write myself a list (I’m an organization freak) about what needs to be done and start making phone calls. Thank you for everyone who has sent me info about metro. It sounds like a great service so I’ll see what he needs paperwork wise to qualify. That would help me out on the afternoons as that’s the time that I have to be at City U rather than Dimmitt.

Denise, if you could get him to Jazz in the morning that would be wonderful. I can cover your gas or cook you dinner, what ever compensation works best for you (I’m also very good at cleaning bathrooms). I can pick Tom up from the school and bring him to Dimmitt and from Dimmitt back to Renton. I think there must be some higher power involved that let me luck out and end up having my internship at Dimmitt. I mean first of all, nobody ever gets placed at the first school on their priority list, and certainly never if it means turning out into a huge convenience transportation wise.

What I do need help with now is someone who can take him home from Renton and stay with him until I get home. I get home between 4:30-5:00. We’ve talked it over and Tom has offered private instrument lessons or tutoring in math in return to any student who could do this. I mean, he has to be home anyway where all our music supplies are, and he’s a whiz at math so these things he can do very easily. We don’t have much money wise, but can also cover that student’s or students’ gas for the trip. If anyone thinks they could do this, please let me know. This would start next week and run for the next six months. I know it’s a lot of ask and would be a lot for one person to do. If we could get a group together that could rotate, I don’t know, I’m just tossing this out right now because it’s all either of our sleepy brains have come up with so far. I can also barter cleaning, cooking, and I’m great at computer things in return it that would be better. Please let me know.

Otherwise, we’re going to take things easy today. Tom mumbled something about getting a new video game so I might see what’s out that he would like. Lesley lent us Monster House which we haven’t seen so we’ll watch that today also.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

We're home...

I’m glad to say we’re finally home. Tom is curled up in bed with Alex laying on his chest purring like a lawnmower. We’ll be meeting with the neurologist at the end of the week where they’ll run a few more tests and see if they can find anything. Otherwise though, he’s on seizure meds and will take the week off to rest.

He had a spinal plug put in today because they made a slight tear in the fluid sack in his spine during the spinal tap Saturday night. He’d been having headaches that refused to go away with medication. The procedure was actually pretty interesting although if you’re squeamish you’ll want to skip to the next paragraph. They take blood out of the arm and insert it into the spinal tap area. The blood creates a natural clot which stops the leak and heals the area. He’ll be sore for a few days but at least shouldn’t have any more headaches. So, pretty much he’s on bed rest for the week so the plug doesn’t fall out and his strength can be regained.

On the bright side, we arrived home to find a giant Halloween snow-globe set up in the living room courtesy of Lesley and Joe. Lesley remembered me lamenting that I wouldn’t be able to put out any decorations this year and they ran out this afternoon to pick it up. She said since we have a Christmas snow-globe, of course we had to have one for Halloween too as that’s our favorite holiday. And Mike and Andrea were wonderful and dropped off his prescriptions from Walgreens as well as pizza money so I don’t have to cook.

Tom is still concerned about missing school. He hates the idea of staying home when there’s music to be played and classes to attend. I would worry that he might sneak out to the school if Don hadn’t already agreed to watch over him while I’m in class. Still, it might be good for him. Tom doesn’t rest very often and this is the chance for him to really recover his strength.

I’m holding up okay. I’m going to send his out and then crash. I’m excited at the prospect of starting my internship but worried because it means leaving Tom. I know he’ll be fine, and in good hands but it’s still hard to leave him.

Thank you everyone for your thoughts and emails. For any of Tom’s students, Tom wants you to know that he’s feeling better and thank you for all the emails and messages. He misses all of you and can’t wait to get back to class. Thank you John for keeping the groups going and Ty or getting information out to everyone. And keep practicing, he can’t wait to see how we’ll you’re all doing when he gets back. His actual quote was a bit more menacing and I refuse type it. Something about practice or else… But he meant it in the most loving way possible.

In the beginning...

I guess I should open this blog with a bit of history since I’m not sure where everyone is on the chain of events and my mind isn’t terribly reliable of what I’ve told who. Thursday night my main priority was finishing my blasted law paper. Never ask a teacher candidate to try and write a paper that doesn’t involve some sort of opinion or the opportunity to be persuasive. That’s like asking a bear to shave its fur and dance the mambo; bears just aren’t built for that sort of thing, regardless how entertaining it might be for everyone around them. So, around 11:00 I had finished that paper more or less and was looking forward to the prospect of a good night’s sleep, my first in a couple nights.

11:30 found Tom and I curled up in bed but I still wasn’t sleepy. I remember laying there looking at the ceiling wondering if I’d confused Board of Education v Tinker with Board of Education v. Pico and wondering why I actually cared enough to worry about it in the first place when I noticed Tom was twitching pretty hard. He does that as he falls asleep but something didn’t feel right. I turned on the light in time to see his eyes roll up in his head and he started foaming and making guttural animal noises. I called 911 and stammered out what was happening all the while trying to remember where exactly I was supposed to put the wooden spoon, and my mind being what it is immediately offered up some unlikely yet entertaining possibilities none of which were terribly useful at the time. The paramedics arrived in record time and that’s when things got interesting. His seizure stopped just as they knocked on the door. I opened up the door and they headed up the stairs just as Alex our 20 pound Maine Coon woke up to see his most dreaded nemesis bearing down on him.

Alex doesn’t like paramedics. To him, paramedics arrive for the soul purpose of taking me away for hours and returning me home drugged to the gills mumbling incoherently about dancing hippos (its always hippos, I have no idea why). If you don’t know, I get flare ups in my back a couple times of year and occasionally they’re bad enough that I have to go to the ER. Well, Alex wasn’t having any of that and immediately assumed a guard stance in front of me. And this would have been fine if the wheels hadn’t started turning in his head when he noticed that those evil men in blue jumpers were doing some rather scary things to Tom and leaving me alone. The next thing I knew, our Alex who won’t even step over a piece of paper on the floor because its too much effort and will howl until someone moves it for him launched himself three feet from the bed and landed with perfect precision on Tom’s chest. This of course was probably not the best thing for Tom but it did knock the wind out of him long enough that he stopped flailing momentarily. Alex then proceeded to inflate to the size of a beach ball, unsheathe his claws, and opened his mouth showing a fairly impressive array of teeth…then he froze. The paramedics pulled back, understandably wondering what this furry ginger demon had in mind for them and I cautiously approached the bed. Alex’s head swung around and the expression on his face was priceless. It clearly said “okay, so I’m big and scary, and I’m in position…what the heck do I do now?” Relieved I picked him up and he promptly collapsed in my arms. Tom at that point was able to get enough air into his lungs to breath and slowly woke up.

We got to the hospital where they gave him some seizure drugs and a few hours later sent us home with a prescription for more. We got home around 5:30 and after some frantic emails letting people know what happened we fell asleep around 6:00. At 8:30 Lisa, one of my classmates arrived to pick me up for class, I’d forgotten to email her that I wasn’t going. She was just getting ready to leave when I heard Tom calling me. When I got upstairs I knew immediately something was wrong. His hands were clutched like claws and he was hunched over. He looked at me with dilated pupils and said “it’s starting again, we need help.” By the time I got Lisa and we made it upstairs he was back in full seizure. This one was significantly shorter but he didn’t wake up. Lisa watched over Tom so I could get dressed and pack while the medics checked his vital signs. In the end, they transported him to Valley Medical Center (two times in one night – I’ve never liked Thursdays and now I know why) and Lisa, bless her heart drove me because by that time I was too shaken to even put my seatbelt on. A short time later Pam, Tom’s mother arrived.

The rest of the day was a blur. They moved him from the ER to a private room in the Epilepsy Center once a bed was free, the hospital is pretty full right now. Don arrived mid-afternoon with Patty hot on his heels but Tom still wasn’t awake. Lisa and Lesley arrived in the afternoon just before the doctor came. After six hours of waiting we were finally able to talk to a doctor. Pam and Don left fairly late to get some rest, Patty had left earlier in the day. Lesley came and picked me up so I could go home and take a shower (I was become offensive smelling even to myself) before bringing me back to the hospital. The rest of the night he underwent blood tests of all sorts, various checks on his vitals, and finally a spinal tap at around 2:00 am.

By Saturday morning Tom was fully awake. The results of the spinal tap came in along with the MRI’s. Everything was clear including the spinal tap which was a surprise because everyone had been certain his seizures had been caused by viral meningitis. By afternoon the diagnosis was tentatively set at epilepsy although it could be a week before we’ll know anything conclusive.

In the mean time, Tom revealed that the afternoon before his first seizure he took the generic of his Adderall. He knows better than to take that stuff as we had determined last month that he’s very allergic. I hadn’t realized that even though we had a prescription for his regular Adderall, he hadn’t got to the pharmacy to have it filled so in addition to taking the bad meds, he hadn’t been taking the good. We’re hoping now that the meds might be the key to the seizures. The nurse was wonderful helping us research material on the internet about the drugs and helped us take down notes. In the mean time, since we couldn’t remember exactly what the dosage or name of the bad pills was, we called Lizabeth (Tom’s department head who is also the high school choir director) who offered to run down to the school and check. She and Nancy, the orchestra teacher have both been so wonderful and supportive and I just can’t express just how grateful I am to the both of them.

Then the nurse suggested that since Tom was looking good and obviously wanted to get out of his room for a bit that we take a tour of the floor. So, we got him settled into a wheel chair and off we went. I was sad to see that the lights were out in the meditation garden which is just two hallways down from us. There are lights in the fountain that turn it pink and little spotlights all over to highlight various plants. But everything was dark tonight. Still, he seemed in much better spirits to have gotten out.

Tom’s asleep for now and very excited at the prospect of coming home tomorrow. I’m just relieved he’s okay. I’m still very frightened by the amount we still don’t know about his condition. Its hard sitting here in the dark listening to the methodical clicking of the machine that tracks his IV fluid, and the soft sound of his breath, I guess I just feel a bit empty. That makes sense I guess, it’s been a crazy last few days. The thing that gets me through is all the support we’ve gotten. I’m still amazed at all the people who’ve called or emailed to see that he’s okay. I feel truly blessed to be surrounded by so many caring and wonderful people. From my class cohort who bless their hearts filled out my law final for me and turned in my homework to the school staff at Renton and Dimmitt including my cooperating teacher Stephanie who’ve not only kept in contact with us about how the bands are doing but have sent their own kind words and wishes and finally to Lesley and Steph have been in constant contact via email, phone and in person making sure I’m okay and staying sane (which considering I came into this whole thing fairly eccentric to begin with was quite a job on their part).

We’ll my eyelids are getting heavy so I think its time I submit this and get some sleep myself. I will try to add small updates to the blog each night letting you all know how he’s doing and what we’ve learned. I’ll also keep you up to date on my how my internship is going as if all goes well I will probably be starting on Wednesday. Wish us luck, Tom for getting better and me for starting middle school. It should be an interesting week.